Tom was born May 3, 1970 and grew up with a twin brother and a brother 3 years younger. He was born in Aspen, Colorado. Tom learned to ski when he was about 8 and absolutely loved it. He loved to race slalom recreationally, usually in Snowmass.
He worked many different kinds of jobs, including ski shops, a drug store and hotel. He enjoyed working with lighting systems for stage productions of all kinds. In the summer, he worked for Dance Aspen helping transform the school gymnasium into a professional dance stage where he managed the lights for the shows.
In 1989 he attended the University of Southern Colorado for a year and then transferred to Colorado State University and graduated in 1996 with a bachelor degree in Business.
After graduating, he started his own business - InfiNet Consulting Group, Inc. His timing was perfect. The dot com boom was in full swing and he took full advantage of it by offering a host of computer services, including website development and onsite support for local businesses.
Tom loved to visit Yellowstone National Park. He did lots of camping and mountain biking. He was spontaneous and always had a smile on his face.
After only a few years of running the business, he started having problems with his left hand. He loved to drink coffee and noticed that he couldn't hold a coffee cup steady. After months of frustration and many different diagnoses, he went to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona to seek help.
Several very painful visits (spinal tap), he learned that they had isolated the symptoms to only a few possibilities - ALS and Guillain-Barre Syndrome. We were praying for the latter but it turned out to be ALS.
Tom died within a year of his diagnosis on May 14, 2002.